4 Thermostat Tips You Should Follow

a chair in a pile of leaves

No matter the climate of where you live, your home’s air system is largely dependent upon a quality thermostat. Just as every homeowner should conduct regular maintenance of their heater and air conditioner throughout the year, keeping an eye on the controlling unit can be equally important. This is especially true if you want to ensure a comfortable temperature for your family year-round. Here, we will look at four basic thermostat tips that every homeowner should follow, each helping guarantee comfort, as well as the longevity of your air system itself.

1. Check the batteries regularly.


Before you shrug off this suggestion, consider how many homeowners overlook their thermostat’s batteries when issues arise with the air conditioner or heater. Thermostat dos and don’ts should always include this quick, simple task among the best practices of any homeowner, especially since it could lead to potentially large savings. If your household doesn’t seem to be matching the temperature settings of the thermostat unit, swapping out the batteries for a fresh one may fix the problem instantly. Although this is a simple solution, if having to monitor your unit’s batteries on an ongoing basis is an easily forgotten task, there are numerous thermostat options for using your home’s electricity or Wi-Fi as an alternative power source.

2. Turn the unit down (or off) during the day.

Depending upon the day of the week, your house may be empty between the hours of 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Although many families have now adjusted to a practice of parents working remotely and children attending school via online distance learning, many shelter-in-place regulations are beginning to ease up. With that in mind, your empty house won’t be needing the air conditioning unit or furnace running all day. This means that lowering your air system for an eight-hour time period is an energy-efficient option. On average, lowering your thermostat’s set temperature by approximately 10 degrees during the day saves a massive amount of money on your monthly utility bills.

3. Lower the thermostat during the night.


While your whole family is usually at home during the night, this is another potential period for thermostat adjustment. Throughout the winter months, you’ll most likely be bundled up in pajamas and layers of blankets and, likewise, the summer heat could include ceiling fans, cracked windows, and looser sleepwear. Much like lowering your home’s thermostat during the day, this is another eight-hour timeframe that could lead to a significantly lower energy bill (as well as less wear and tear on your air system’s units). Your home comfort is very important to you and your family, of course, but being a little creativity can go a long way in energy efficiency.

4. Switch to a smart thermostat.

One of the latest technologies becoming popular for home air systems is smart thermostats. Although these units come in different variations, the basic premise remains the same. The device itself is a programmable thermostat that can automatically adjust itself to your family’s temperature preferences for maximum comfort. Aside from the convenience of coming with mobile app functionality and Wi-Fi capabilities, the time adjustment features mean that you can program the unit to run on-and-off according to the above-listed tips.

As a relatively new technology, installing a smart thermostat has the added bonus of increasing your home’s property value in the instance that you ever put your house on the market, and the unit itself can work according to any heating system or HVAC unit already in your home. Finally, a programmable thermostat is also incredibly energy-efficient, which not only decreases your monthly utilities but can qualify you for potential tax credits. As an investment, the smart thermostat option is worth researching for ultimate home comfort.

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